music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Bag Of Bones – “The voices command me!”

Liner notes

Most of the song built itself around the cries of "the bones!" in the background. Once again, this song is serious and not serious at the same time, and this time it addresses fanaticism. Oh wait, haven't I done that before?

Proudly features chiptune-like synthies. I'm a SID fan. There, now it's official.


Bag Of Bones (right click → save as)
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Written on2011-05-25
Recorded on2011-05-25
Published on2011-05-25
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelDraft
My rating***


I know life inside out, I've been around for a while I know my way through this mess, survive the days with style Not too long ago I didn't know what I should be going for But then I found the source of answers, dubiety no more I just ask the bones [the bones!] I ask the bones [the bones!] They know tomorrow like I know yesterday Listen to the bones [the bones!] Obey the bones [the bones!] All hail the bag of bones and its message of decay Word has gotten round, people ask for my advice I've turned into a leader, I must say it's quite nice Not too long ago I didn't know what I should be going for But the path is clear now, have no fear now, plunge us into war I just asked the bones [the bones!] I listened to the bones [the bones!] They know the world must burn, it's time to deal decay Trust in the bones [the bones!] Obey the bones [the bones!] All hail the bag of bones, it will not lead us astray It seems like such a long time since I was all on my own Now that I speak for the bones, look how I have grown Their message brings us all together in pain and blood and death Together for the bag of bones, until our dying breath We kill for the bones [the bones!] We die for the bones [the bones!] There is no greater good, the end is far away Don't question the bones [the bones!] You don't want to stand against [the bones!] They know more than we all do, that's why we will obey Fighting for the bag of bones and its message of decay

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