music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Cake – “It's the ultimate reward!”

Liner notes

I had just finished Portal (don't listen to this song or read the words if you haven't played it through yet, but plan to) a few weeks earlier, and it was just too tempting to write a song about it. Then I pushed the super-colliding superbutton and uploaded it.

The tremolo-like effect your hear in some places was not intentional. I had a cable break or something. Didn't have time to properly adjust things and re-record, so it just stayed that way. I didn't entirely hate the way it turned out, actually.


Cake (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-04-20
Recorded on2008-04-20
Published on2008-04-20
Quality levelRough draft
My rating***
Average user ratings


I violated the laws of physics I risked my life a dozen times I let myself be watched all day I made it through unharmed anyway Nearly got burned And then I learned They didn't bake Me any cake The cake is fake I had to flee to parts unknown Got stomped on, shot at, all the way And then my captor, bit by bit, Got burned up, I must admit That did feel grand But on the other hand They didn't bake Me any cake The cake is fake They didn't bake Me any cake I can't partake

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