music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Come Down Where You Ought To Be – “I don't respect my betters”

Liner notes

This song has been released under the artist name "Guileless Contradiction".

This didn't turn out like I originally envisioned. The chorus was supposed to become much more driving and to build up more musical tension, or something like that. Then again, with the way the verses developed, that might not have fit too well... and I like the overall result anyway. It's a shame that the lyrics are so stupid.

I think the most important thing to make this work is the organ.

This version features new drums, compared to the original submission to Song Fight.


Come Down Where You Ought To Be (right click → save as)
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Written on2009-02-09
Recorded on2009-02-09
Published on2009-02-09
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating***


What do you think you're doing Acting like you are on top of the world It's quite ridiculous, your elation With all that bunk you're spewing Standing there with your wings almost unfurled Your plans meticulous, your creation Give up now, it will never work the way you want it to Drop your delusions now, it's not too late to get a clue Come down where you ought to be Obey the laws of gravity I'll lock you up and eat the key Before I'll admit honestly what everyone can see You're smarter than me How dare you show me up like that Showing off with all your grace and your charm I feel like gagging, it's suffocating We were the best of friends Neither of us would do the other harm There'd be no nagging, just commiserating Those days are done, you have changed into a man I cannot be People love you, I can't bear it, what will now become of me? Come down where you ought to be You don't deserve prosperity I'll lock you up and eat the key Before I'll admit honestly what everyone can see You're more successful than me I'm sure that you would agree You're living too happily Please adhere to my plea Come down where you ought to be You don't deserve to be free I will defame you on TV I just can't admit honestly what everyone can see I'm a pathetic loser

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