music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Feature Creep – “Programmers love moving targets”

Liner notes

Almost every programmer has faced creeping featuritis in any serious programming job. It's a nightmare, of course... imagine you were an architecture and while your house was being built, the building owner kept demanding that you change important details about these, some of which have already been built!

My first ever track with synths.

The arrangement creeps towards having everything under the sun, too.


Feature Creep (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-04-20
Recorded on2008-04-20
Published on2008-04-20
Quality levelDraft
My rating***


Hi, it's good you could come in today We're just a little bit behind the deadline but hey We know that you can work with your eyes sealed shut Especially well when the schedule gets cut The customer says you've done well on their job With the contact form for their online shop And they are pretty sure you will love to fit This little list of features into it And could you please be done by 4 pm And then present the application to them It's just a forum here, that will take just an hour or two And a social network, that's something everyone can do And could you do the catalog and the shopping cart, that stuff And then solve the halting problem, well, guess that is enough Feature creep Feature creep We're in too deep Feature creep Just a little CMS and every little detail should be configurable And it should automatically create poems and they should be intelligible And make it fast, in fact, faster than our competition, oh yes, indeed Of course, it should run on our secretary's workstation, with no loss in speed Feature creep... [many, many times]

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