music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Fortune Cookie – “Everything goes wrong... who cares?”

Liner notes

The main idea of this song is quite obvious: the arrangement assists in telling the story. This makes for an interesting song development: it starts out as your average bass/keys/vocals/guitars song and ends up being a cappella.

This song neither advocates this level of optimism, nor does it discourage it. There is a subtle hint in it that the character isn't completely convinced of what he's saying, though.


Fortune Cookie (right click → save as)
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Written on2009-05-06
Recorded on2009-05-06
Published on2009-05-06
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating*****


I've got a fortune cookie sitting on my plate Its message is quite simple: your day will be great! I can't wait to see the things I'm going to enjoy What will it be, a raise, new love, or yet another toy And when I have to pay the bill, I see I have no cash Right, okay, I'll do the dishes, and take out the trash I'm coming home, band practice time, the drummer isn't there He calls me, says: you suck, I quit, but I can't seem to care 'Cause the fortune cookie told me that my day would be great And I can wait I'm still here, I'm feeling good, and music is alive So what, the drummer's gone, who cares, our band will still survive Damn, a string just broke on my guitar, what will I do Oh wait, I can still sing and play piano, we're not through The fortune cookie told me that my day would be great And I can wait What's the noise, oh crap, a pipe burst, water's flooding in All my effects are dying The bass amp is frying But the fortune cookie told me that my day would be great And I can wait I'll just stay here and keep on rocking, looking for great fate And I can wait 'Cause the fortune cookie told me that my day would be great And I can wait And I can wait

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