music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Going Down – “And suddenly I died”

Liner notes

I recorded this right after taking a nap of a couple of hours, so my voice wasn't very cooperative at all. Neither was my guitar playing. And I was in too much of a hurry to actually spruce up the arrangement. Quite a few people actually told me they liked this song, so perhaps some day I'll redo this one.


Going Down (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-04-20
Recorded on2008-04-20
Published on2008-04-20
Quality levelSketch
My rating**


I can see them frown How should I have known They feel so strongly there I can no longer flee They've got no sympathy Now they're pulling out my hair I should have been afraid But now it is too late I'm going down I'm leaving town Give up the ghost Now I am toast Of great renown I'll buy the farm Cut off my arm I break my neck Hand in my check I'll come to harm I guess I tried too hard Should have been on my guard But now the damage's done They say speeding can kill I never thought it will But now it has begun I should have been afraid But now it is too late

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