music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Half A Million Nerds – “Only nerds matter...”

Liner notes

With an unusual level of research to get the statistics approximately right, this song tells the story of a mysterious conspiracy that seems to be about eliminating nerds... for whatever reason.

This song has tons of parallel vocal tracks in some parts. In that regard, and with the ridiculously high melody in the bridge, it was something new for me back when I wrote this.

I like how the last line of the chorus came out; I guess it's a subtle hint that the song doesn't take itself very seriously.

This song won me the corresponding round of Song Fight; I tied for first place with two other participants, namely Steve Durand and MC Milk-Plus.


Half A Million Nerds (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-12-18
Recorded on2008-12-18
Published on2008-12-18
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating*****
Average user ratings
Part of


I first noticed it on IRC No scriptkiddies, no spam and no abuse I thought perhaps a netsplit isolated me But when nothing changed I checked the news It was all over reddit, stumble, Digg and Slashdot too Romania is gone, no one knows why but it is true A funny language, now it's gone, the countryside as well I can't believe it, that must be what it's like in hell 'Cause half a million geeks... Great, now reddit doesn't update anymore How am I supposed to last the day I don't remember what I did before Let's see what the stale news have to say There it says on CNN, New York City disappeared That would explain why reddit's dead, the killers interfered Who are they, what are their goals and why the bloody war Lots of brilliant people dead, I can't take it anymore 'Cause half a million geeks... Who cares about the normal folks, chatty and really slow For all intents and purposes they are just for show Good riddance to boring people, but why kill all the nerds This monumental wrongfulness, I can't explain in words 'Cause half a million geeks... But half a million nerds I can't tell you how much it hurts

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