music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: In Time Of Crisis – “We can fix your life”

Liner notes

I don't really have any idea how I came up with this one. It's one of the rare ones that didn't start out with a chorus... perhaps because it doesn't really have a proper chorus. Anyway, the whole thing developed in a very organic and spontaneous way. For example, the speed-ups weren't part of the plan, originally.

And here are a few words about the content. I don't know if you're a slave to a real pill or a metaphorical one, but please wake up. We both know it'll be a rough awakening. Solutions don't just fall from the sky, normally. You have to go look for them, and you have to keep on looking no matter how long it takes. But eventually you'll find it, and everything will change. It's worth it.


In Time Of Crisis (right click → save as)
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Written on2011-12-08
Recorded on2011-12-09
Published on2011-12-09
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelDraft
My rating***


Thank you for entrusting us with your happiness We have worked with millions so that they suffer less We regret that tragedy has befallen you But we'll be happy to help you make it through Just call on us any time of day We're here to help, just one pill will Take your pain away In time of crisis when you can't go on We'll make your stay in the dumps a pleasant one We understand that you are still slightly hesitant But be assured that it's your right to feel different There's no need to live anything but a perfect role Let's change the biochemistry of your immortal soul Just call on us any time of day We're here to help, one more pill will Take your cares away In time of crisis when you can't go on We'll make your stay in the dumps a pleasant one We'll hold your nose and you can stay in the grime For the rest of your time You're realizing that our way is the only way When you feel bored our pill will make a better day It will sate your appetite for everything you couldn't reach And it will bathe your world in light and it will fill your mind with bleach Just call on us any time of day We're here to help, one more pill will Take your mind away Just call on us any time of day We're here to help, one more pill will Take your life away

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