music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Interesting Times – “Just go out there!”

Liner notes

With this title, I decided to try my hand at writing a song with lots of different time signatures. The verses are in 5/8, the chorus is in 13/8 and the bridge is in 6/8. Worked out much better than I thought it would.

This is the first song I've written that contains serious electric guitar.


Interesting Times (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-09-03
Recorded on2008-09-03
Published on2008-09-03
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating***
Average user ratings


You try not to think, another drink Stare at the wall, no way to fall Each day goes by, you don't even try Time for this to end, sanity depend Do you want this to be your life? Then your future is guaranteed to not arrive Could pass right by you don't even care Oh, open your eyes, the world is right there We live in interesting times Walk with your pockets full of dimes It's your head, you can set it free No limit to what you can see Break out your shell, it's time to rebel Go on the run, much to be done See everything, memories to bring Broaden your mind, no longer blind You have wasted all those empty years And haven't allowed yourself any fears No risk means no fun, stop hiding alone Go challenge yourself, make this life your own We live in interesting times... If it's worth having, it's going to cost you experience Live it completely and you're gonna find that it feels intense The doubt that you have built your prison with Will fall away once you're really starting to live To live in interesting times... You'll live in interesting times...

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