music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Not There – “I'm not with myself”

Liner notes

Someone commented on dissociative language in another of my songs, and I decided to write a song that was actually about dissociation. Dissociation is an extremely interesting experience, but most people who deal with it are probably not very happy about it.

Few vocal tracks. Wow. I can't believe I managed to stick to the constraints I'd put myself under.


Not There (right click → save as)
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Written on2010-02-02
Recorded on2010-02-02
Published on2010-02-02
Quality levelDraft
My rating***
Part of


You can't hurt me anymore, no matter what you do I've been hurt so much before, until I thought it through They still trip me, I still fall And I'm not there at all You insult me and I listen but I am not quite there All the feelings simply missing, perhaps I still do care I don't know and why should I? The world just passes by Sometimes I do things and I am not really sure just why I just watch as I comply, it will all be fine I'm not sure just what it means, what's the point of all those scenes In the end we are machines, broken by design On the pitch I pass the ball And I'm not there at all

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