music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Over Your Head – “Overwhelmed? You're in good company”

Liner notes

Written on a tight schedule and with one of my fingers unusable (which made guitar playing pretty difficult), this turned out surprisingly well.


Over Your Head (right click → save as)
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Written on2010-02-01
Recorded on2010-02-01
Published on2010-02-01
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating*****


Welcome to the game of excessive expectations No time for patience, no time for any slack Welcome to pursuing despite all complications And temptations, they all wonder when you'll crack They hold you back because they're blind Friendly faces: hard to find And you're in over your head And all your friends are dead to you for now You don't know what you'll get out of this Just what you'll miss Time is ticking and you might waver If your goal didn't have that flavour of success Your progress won't suppress your stress but you can't care Welcome to the group of those who know what matters Exchange some letters, be part of something real Watch as when they all unite, a chain inside you shatters Your doubts in tatters, resolve that's made of steel You're still where you were just before But there's no panic anymore You're still in over your head And all your friends are dead to you for now But now you know that it will all be okay At least today Time is ticking and you might waver If your goal didn't have that flavour of success And your progress does impress some others every day Welcome to the game of unlimited elation Participation, all across the nation Welcome to your memories of how you made it through And how you grew and found energy anew

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