music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Paper Thin – “Important business prevents life preservation”

Liner notes

I immediately decided that this song should be about anorexia. The actual cause got added to the song quite a bit later. The song was actually supposed to go on longer than it did, providing some kind of punchline or dramatic climax, but the inspiration never came.

My absolute favourite part of this song is the background vocals during the second half of the second verse.


Paper Thin (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-09-22
Recorded on2008-09-22
Published on2008-09-22
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating***
Part of


Paper thin Only skin Curse this state you're in I see you wasting more than just your life away What made you change into the man you are today? You used to be so strong and nothing tore you down Now you are so far gone, you do not even frown You act like a machine Predictable routine Try to remain unseen Don't know what it could mean Paper thin Only skin Curse this state you're in Look half dead Nothing said Gets it out your head You're taking all your life and moving it inside Nothing but level-ups since your last hero died That's why you're locking up, your room's no longer bright No time for friends or food, just for your death knight Go outside, see the sun A new day has begun Easier said than done When nothing else is fun Paper thin Only skin Curse this state you're in Stay right there Go nowhere 'xcept for Blackwing Lair

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