music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Sometimes It's Hard To Keep Yourself Moving – “Boredom can have interesting results”

Liner notes

Another fairly dark song. The theme is that of an almighty ruler of some empire who doesn't know what's left to achieve in his life. Luckily (well...) he figures something out in the second verse.

I think this has a vaguely medieval (at least what we modern folks tend to think is medieval) feeling to it... kitchen percussion (a tin box, a pack of teabags and a pot's lid with two forks) notwithstanding.

The last line turned out pretty much exactly how I wanted it to turn out.


Sometimes It's Hard To Keep Yourself Moving (right click → save as)
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Written on2009-09-11
Recorded on2009-09-11
Published on2009-09-11
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating****


Look at how far I've gone I've seen it all before Look at what I have done Up ahead another door All around me people care As long as I am there My rule is undisputed My wish enforced by steel My power undiluted I don't know why I feel So uprooted Sometimes it's hard to keep yourself moving There's no challenge left, no goal And I know things would never be improving If not for those who want my role They are out there, plotting My spies are everywhere Soon they'll all be here rotting Chained up in my lair I watch when they get beaten Their cries of pain they sweeten These empty days Sometimes it's hard to keep yourself moving And you wonder if you'll freeze And I know things would never be improving If not for conspiracies Sometimes it's hard to know if they are guilty What does it matter when I thrive In the past, what I'm doing might have chilled me But now when they die I feel alive

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