music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Somewhere I Don't Know – “Endless journey”

Liner notes

This title was assigned to me and at first I tried to make a serious song from it. Didn't really work out without a long trip through cliché land. So I made it a less serious song, in that it's about a video game character. However, if you think about it, that video game character really doesn't live the great life...

As far as the composing aspect goes, the most noteworthy things in this song are the somewhat hidden switch to 7/8 time signature in the chorus and my first attempt to use the xaphoon in a song. I definitely need more practise with it. That's another three-figures number of takes, just for a few stupid xaphoon notes.


Somewhere I Don't Know (right click → save as)
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Written on2011-08-10
Recorded on2011-08-10
Published on2011-08-10
ScheduleA fortnight
Quality levelDraft
My rating****


The world is dreary these days Wherever I gaze Just enemies and walls of stone Can't escape the blaze of the sun Wherever I run I'm fighting alone I've got to get the jump on the horde There is no reward I don't even carry a sword But I'm countering every attack I know I shouldn't brag But I'm raising my flag Now I'm pulling the rug out from under the leader's feet To find I was being naive when I thought that my quest would be complete And now I'm richer than I was before I've answered all questions, I've made the dark go I've mastered the challenges they had in store But despite my great score the princess is still somewhere I don't know Who will believe me when I talk about All the pipes I crawled through and that guy on the cloud Who would have thought that turtles can fly They'll probably blame my mushroom supply The guy with the hammers is back again and I'm afraid The princess might be in another castle and I might be too late And now I'm richer than I was before I've answered all questions, I've made the dark go I've mastered the challenges they had in store But despite my great score the princess is still somewhere I don't know The pipes that abound are infested with man-eating plants And nobody knows why these flowers recolour my pants If I think about what I'm doing here I'll go insane You wouldn't believe what those warp pipes do to my brain And I am richer than I was before I've answered all questions, I've made the dark go I've mastered the challenges they had in store But despite my great score I'm still on my way to somewhere I don't know And this time the princess is there I hope that now she'll allow me to go But she's got one more quest for me, oh, that's not fair As I push button B I know that I'm off to somewhere I don't know

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