music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Sucks To Be Them – “I win, they lose”

Liner notes

This song has been released under the artist name "Guileless Contradiction".

One of my early attempts to write an a cappella song with a rather sparse arrangement. That's a total of five tracks, I think. The song itself... not all that exciting, but preserved here for hysterical raisins.


Sucks To Be Them (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-04-20
Recorded on2008-04-20
Published on2008-04-20
Quality levelRough draft
My rating**
Part of


Your day is going right For them it's not so bright You are the best They are the rest You don't feel stressed They are depressed If they fall for Nigerian spam Sucks to be them Sucks to be them This is how it should be I'm sure you would agree You feel just fine They can only whine You are divine They have no spine If they fail at their exam Sucks to be them Sucks to be them

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