music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Take The Winter Away – “Enough with the winter already!”

Liner notes

The winter was getting on my nerves. I had to let that out. Perhaps the lyrics are a bit over the top, but I do that all the time, so I guess it doesn't really matter.


Take The Winter Away (right click → save as)
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Written on2010-02-10
Recorded on2010-02-10
Published on2010-02-10
Quality levelRadio-ready
My rating****


It's still cold outside Got no fireside to hide The shivers Everything is white I'm slowing down, can't fight Gonna end up like the rivers Take the winter away Make the sun return Make me forget how ice can burn Make me see the next day Take the winter away Make the sun return Make me forget how ice can burn Make me see the next day I'm barely feeling all my extremities But will it last? Give me sun and I'll fall on my knees Bring back the cozy past Take the winter away... Take the winter away Take the winter away Take the winter away Make me see the next day Take the winter away Take the winter away Take the winter away Make me see the next day

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