music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: We Keep Them Alive – “‘They’ are the good guys”

Liner notes

Looking back on it, I can't quite believe that I came up with a song like this. In a way, it's something I can look up to, even though I wrote it myself. Maybe that's an arrogant thing to say, but whatever.

The lyrics hint, in a very cryptic and indirect fashion, at my personal philosophy in life. I'm gonna leave it at that; have fun puzzling out what this song is about.

This song has no chorus; just a series of bridges that happen to have the same melody. At least that's the way I see it.


We Keep Them Alive (right click → save as)
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Written on2009-02-19
Recorded on2009-02-19
Published on2009-02-19
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating*****
Part of


All these beings out there Stumbling, they don't know where Just a map of reality For their peace of mind We keep them blind It's us who keep them free No matter what they teach We know they'll never reach The beautiful design for which they strive Reality's insane It's too much for their brain With our intervention we keep them alive Their world revolves around them The world that they abound in We wouldn't have it any other way We grab them by the wrist They don't know we exist Unseen as they obey They think they know it all Allows them to stand tall It doesn't matter to us anymore Sometimes we doubt the plan And like to think they can Until we see the things they can ignore A pressing need that when they bleed Makes us help them survive We don't know why but still we try We keep them alive All we can do is help them through And when they take a dive And gasp for air we will be there To keep them alive We keep them alive We keep them alive We keep them alive

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