music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Welcome Home, Frank – “Let's be legally criminal”

Liner notes

This song has been released under the artist name "Guileless Contradiction".

Most people took this song to be more serious than it actually is. It's just a stupid story about criminally stupid people. Not really worth talking about too much. I mean, I only spent two hours or so on this...


Welcome Home, Frank (right click → save as)
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Written on2009-11-05
Recorded on2009-11-05
Published on2009-11-05
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelDraft
My rating**
Part of


We're glad to have you back, now you've been freed after all these years Sure, you were off the track, but don't fret, just change careers Things have changed since you've been gone, thievery has been redefined Copying music is now wrong, but ruin your company and they won't mind You'll even get a compensation for looking so kind Welcome home, Frank All the world's a bank Let's go and rob them blind Yes, we're old now But let's be bold now Life can be so kind Now that we're managers, who knows what we will find Who cares About a few shares Economy, in reality Always ends with "me" There is no "them" In economy

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