music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: What Kind Of Love Are You Looking For – “Love means forgetting yourself?”

Liner notes

Holy moly. This has three different keyboard tracks... and my keyboard playing is so rusty you wouldn't believe it. You also wouldn't believe how often I had to repeat most of the keyboard takes. Took me hours.

The part of the song that initially inspired everything else ended up a rather unexciting part; it's the organ "solo" after the first chorus. Oh well. The rest turned out quite nice, as far as I can tell.


What Kind Of Love Are You Looking For (right click → save as)
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Written on2010-05-13
Recorded on2010-05-13
Published on2010-05-13
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating****


She's sitting by herself in the crowd Fidgeting, her heartbeat is way too loud She just knows who they're talking about But she can't just walk away Been preparing since she got up Rehearsing lines as she grabs the cup Making sure that all the charm comes out She worries that he will not want to stay You cannot be enough, you must be more What kind of love are you looking for You cannot be enough, you must be more What kind of love are you looking for Borrowed dress and a special 'do Every sentence she's thought through Her practiced smile is a little blue Stress is running high Her self is not the way that she thinks Will be enough for him to buy her drinks To still be there when the years go by And when he stays how can he be the perfect guy You cannot be enough, you must be more What kind of love are you looking for Must be perfection so they can adore What kind of love are you looking for And if the puppet gets her prince And he falls in love with a display Who are you trying to convince That everything is gonna be okay You better get down on the floor What kind of love are you looking for You're disappearing just so you can score What kind of love are you looking for What kind of love won't survive your snore What kind of love are you looking for What kind of love always asks for more What kind of love are you looking for

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