music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Why Are We Here Again – “Are we way too optimistic?”

Liner notes

One of the big reasons for this song was that I wanted to test-drive my new virtual instruments, e.g. the brass section that prominently features in this song. The other reason is that I like having an upbeat song with an optimistic outlook every now and again. If you know me, you know that I tend to be upbeat more often than not.

Some feedback over at 50/90 said that this was too busy. Too much going on. Well, I guess there is a lot going on. And the song doesn't take its time either... part of my secret mission to save your time. You're welcome.


Why Are We Here Again (right click → save as)
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Written on2010-07-05
Recorded on2010-07-08
Published on2010-07-08
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating*****
Average user ratings


This moment took us by surprise Suddenly we're caught Cast out of paradise It might all be for naught Different than we thought Why are we here again I cannot say I know I guess it's 'cause we can Take the time to grow They should be taking us away Before we hit the ground They should ignore us when we say How great it's gonna sound And that we'll be found Why are we here again I cannot say I know I guess it's 'cause we can Take the time to grow The magic state of flow The first is always slow Are you sure that's so? Why are we here again I'm still not sure I know I guess it's cause we can Take the time to grow And we'll have things to show

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