music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Back From Juvie – “Can't return to normal life”

Liner notes

A really rushed song, written during my main project for this round of Song Fight, this turned out surprisingly well, considering that I had to make up an idea that was completely different from my other one.

The idea is simple: our hero, returning from juvenile hall, finds that everyone who ever really cared about him has moved on.

The percussion instrument is the body of my classic guitar.


Back From Juvie (right click → save as)
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Written on2009-03-26
Recorded on2009-03-26
Published on2009-03-26
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelDraft
My rating****
Part of


They close the gate as I walk away I'm going home, I've been gone many a day An awkward moment as my parents see me at the door My room is bare, I'll have to spend the night lying on the floor Now I'm back from juvie I've done my time, I'm proud I thought things would be groovy now But life's gone on without me So now I'm back from juvie I thought I would be free But I never knew this new society Everyone's forgotten me, except for those I hate They made me walk this road, told me it was my fate What will I do now all I know is crooks and crack and crimes No one's giving me a job, I'm spending my last dimes Now I'm back from juvie And nothing's left outside I thought things would be groovy My future was so bright But now I'm back from juvie I thought I would be free But I never knew this new society I guess the word is insobriety

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