music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Be Careful With That (with Signboy as Krautnuck) – “You'd better relax, man”

Liner notes

A rather spontaneous collaboration with Signboy. He made some delicious synth stuff and I decided to add a melody and some vocals. I also may have reordered his tracks a bit and treated them slightly (or less slightly) in the mix. Oh, and I added the semi-subbass.

I'm not perfectly sure what's going on in this song. I think someone is just trying to help. Not sure if that's the best way to do it, though.


Be Careful With That (with Signboy as Krautnuck) (right click → save as)
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Written on2012-05-31
Recorded on2012-05-31
Published on2012-06-02
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating*****
Average user ratings
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This is the last time Not sure I'm making it count You're trying so hard to make yourself heard You're drowning me out So many voices, you're all alone Right in the middle, raising your own You've got to make your place or you will die Last one to lead the pack will sink like a stone It's a fight, a fight for your place A contest to contest who is best Give it up, give up your peace of mind When you're dead you'll have time to rest [Repeat] Be careful with that Don't trust in what you feel Be careful with that 'Cause none of it is real [Whispered] It's time to open your eyes You can be the only one See better than the other guys Just listen to the sound of my voice [Repeat minus last line] You're in the right place Just have to take a look around I'm happy to give you all that I have Just hear me out You've learned to not resist, give into all A birthright that you missed, take every fall You've got to make your place or you will die When will you realize it's all a lie Be careful with that Don't trust in what you feel Be careful with that 'Cause none of it is real [Repeat 2x]

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