music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: City In Fog – “Don't give up yet!”

Liner notes

The driving idea here was lots of suspended chords and a "foggy" atmosphere. The epic build-up towards the end sort of just developed naturally from that. I only added the piano and the pitch locking effects fairly late into the game.

I probably spent about as much time tweaking the drum machine sound as I spent on everything else combined.


City In Fog (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-11-24
Recorded on2008-11-24
Published on2008-11-24
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating*****
Part of


You wake up, it's another day You open the window You look out, things are grey in grey Everything's in flow All light dispersing, never to arrive You cannot leave your house, how will you survive You cannot see How things will be You'd better stay This is not your day Hold on a second, this is not the end Though you may feel alone The world is still here, no need to pretend That everything's unknown A city in fog is not impossible to roam You're not locked up in your home You cannot see How things will be But you can feel That you are real The mist is lifting Your view is shifting You kept trying and now the city's back Time to get back on track To get moving Another dawn The fog is gone The sun is here Your sight is clear

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