music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Green Eleven – “Coping with life through fantasy”

Liner notes

Of the folksy songs I've written, this is my absolute favourite. Unlike many other songs of mine, it's got something that might be construed as a story, and I think it might be the only to have a character that people might be actually able to identify with.


Green Eleven (right click → save as)
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Written on2009-03-03
Recorded on2009-03-03
Published on2009-03-03
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelExtended demo
My rating*****
Average user ratings
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Walking through the day Nothing's going like it should Poor little kid misunderstood Things are not okay Now it's almost night Everything is unresolved No solution has evolved Now it's fight or flight Pick up your old mask again Others turn into superman This is more like Peter Pan Green eleven flies Up into the skies Green eleven, no time like today Green eleven feels Great when on two wheels Green eleven, dance the pain away Happy in my fantasy No one can take this from me In my world I am free Green eleven flies... Keep up the disguise Feel dejected all day long Reality is way too strong But at night he flies All the things I feel They're much stronger with the mask Sometimes I can't help but ask Which life is more real?

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