music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Stomach For It – “Everything sucks, as do I”

Liner notes

I really couldn't think of any other way of using the title. I wasn't even feeling what I was describing in the song, but since I wanted to do a song, I ended up just going with it.

This version contains drums that have been improved over what was in the original Song Fight submission.


Stomach For It (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-11-05
Recorded on2008-11-05
Published on2008-11-05
ScheduleSong Fight!
Quality levelRadio-ready
My rating***
Part of


Stop the noise, I can't bear your complaints All those words won't make me break restraints I know you mean well But really, can't you tell You aren't one of them saints Hell, all this shit, it's stupid I ain't got the stomach for it Don't stay near, leave me here All you are doing is hurting my ear You won't see me change in any way No matter what you or I have to say My life is set in stone Not moving on my own All my faults are here to stay Hell, all this shit, it's stupid I ain't got the stomach for it But it's there, I must bear Doesn't matter if I find it fair I ain't got the stomach for me Can't you see, it's all wrong I ain't got the stomach for me All I've got, is this song Leave me the hell alone I can't go on my own But I'm a bit more free Without any company Please, let me fall, I might freeze But I ain't got no stomach at all Won't be free, fine with me I'm off to drive full speed into the wall All this shit, it's stupid I ain't got the stomach for it Now I'm gone, you have won Thanks for all the fish but now I quit

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