music? j/k: Music by Jan Krueger

Song: Take Your Time – “In a hurry? Calm down!”

Liner notes

This was the opener song I wrote for my first Album-A-Day. In that context, the song should be mostly self-explanatory.

Just a sprinkle of guitar in this one. It really helps, methinks.


Take Your Time (right click → save as)
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Written on2008-04-20
Recorded on2008-04-20
Published on2008-04-20
Quality levelDraft
My rating***
Part of


No, we're not in a hurry We're making an album every day You can polish every little last bit That will be quite okay Twenty minutes worth of songs Written in twenty four hours And we'll manage to right all wrongs And get a bouquet of flowers This is a worthy goal for everyone And heaps of stress are known to be fun So take your time And I'll take mine The result will live when we're long dead Like a flash of light When the time is right Like a snowflake on your bed Oh well, my voice is long gone And you can barely stand But we will try until we're done Await the bitter end So take your time... Twenty minutes worth of songs Written in twenty four hours And we'll manage to right all wrongs And get a bouquet of flowers

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